Sophia, the world's most renowned humanoid robot who has spoken before the United Nations, interviewed Germany's Chancellor, Angela Markel, in addition to presenting in...
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has published a global standard on artificial intelligence (AI) ethics that almost 200 member nations...
Recently, Microsoft unveiled, Tutel, an open-source library for constructing a Mixture of Experts (MoE) models – a type of large-scale artificial intelligence model. According...
Meta, formally known as Facebook shuts down facial recognition system. It'll delete the "faceprints'' of more than 1bn Facebook users over the coming weeks....
The Food and Drug Administration releases new ethical guidelines for the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies for the healthcare industry. FDA,...
Telecommunication giant AT&T partners with to launch their co-built artificial intelligence-powered feature store. The feature store aims to manage and reuse machine learning...
AI-based robotics company AMP Robotics partners with Agrex-Eco to launch their new artificial intelligence-powered recycling demonstration site in Poland. With this launch, AMP Robotics...
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