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HomeNewsWayve and Microsoft partners to Scale AI for Autonomous Vehicles

Wayve and Microsoft partners to Scale AI for Autonomous Vehicles

Wayve is combining its deep learning-based autonomous vehicle systems expertise with the processing power of Microsoft Azure to provide self-driving mobility to more individuals and organizations faster.

Artificial intelligence-powered self-driving technology developing company Wayve partners with global technology giant Microsoft to scale AI for autonomous vehicles. 

With this collaboration, Wayve intends to use Microsoft’s supercomputing infrastructure to help with the global development of AI-based models for autonomous vehicles. 

They hope to harness the power of deep learning systems for autonomy, which has the potential to scale quicker than rules-based techniques to new locations. 

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This development comes months after Wayve raised $200 million in its series B funding round, which received participation from Microsoft. Other investors such as Virgin, Baillie Gifford, D1 Capital Partners, Moore Strategic Ventures, and Linse Capital also participated in the funding round. 

CTO of Azure at Microsoft, Mark Russinovich, said, “Supercomputing capabilities are key to processing the immense amount of data required for the simulation, validation, and training of AI models that enable safe and secure autonomous driving.” 

He further added that Wayve is combining its deep learning-based autonomous vehicle systems expertise with the processing power of Microsoft Azure to provide self-driving mobility to more individuals and organizations faster. 

The United Kingdom-based artificial intelligence-powered autonomous driving technology developing startup Wayve was founded by Alex Kendall and Amar Shah in 2017. The startup specializes in offering fully autonomous driving solutions, which are data-driven. 

Wayve’s technology uses deep end-to-end learning to develop artificial intelligence that allows vehicles to move autonomously in multiple complicated environments. 

“Joining forces with Microsoft to design the supercomputing infrastructure needed to accelerate deep learning for autonomous mobility is an opportunity that we are honored to lead,” said Co-founder and CEO of Wayve. 

He also mentioned that they are enthused about the possibilities that this cooperation will open up as they push deep learning to new heights.

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Dipayan Mitra
Dipayan Mitra
Dipayan is a news savvy writer, who does not leave a single page of news paper unturned. He is also a professional vocalist who enjoys ghazals. Building a dog shelter is his forever dream.


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