Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsWHO launched an AI-powered digital health worker, Florence

WHO launched an AI-powered digital health worker, Florence

In collaboration with the Qatar Ministry of Health, WHO, the World Health Organization launched its AI-powered digital health worker, Florence version 2.0. Florence offers assistance on how to eat healthily, be more active, stop using tobacco and e-cigarettes, and discuss strategies for relieving stress. She can also provide details on the COVID-19 vaccine and other subjects. Florence 2.0 offers a standard upgrade to the previous version and is available in Arabic English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, and Russian.

Andy Pattison, WHO’s team member for digital channels, said that over the last few years, digital technologies had played a vital role in helping people worldwide to lead healthier lives. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, AI digital health workers like Florence have helped combat misinformation and create awareness. 

Additionally, Florence had studied the mental impact of the pandemic and estimated that 1 in every 8 people suffered from one or another mental disorder due to the pandemic environment. Pattison said, “The AI health worker Florence is a shining example of the potential to harness technology to promote and protect people’s physical and mental health.”

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Dr. Yousuf AL Maslamani, the Official Healthcare Spokesperson for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, expressed his gratitude for partnering with WHO to develop Florence and raise awareness about key health issues faced by a majority of the people.

In order to interact with researchers, public health organizations, entrepreneurs, and policymakers, WHO released the beta version of Florence 2.0 at the WISH conference. WHO also plans to keep developing the digital health worker to help address more pressing health issues facing the world today.

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Disha Chopra
Disha Chopra
Disha Chopra is a content enthusiast! She is an Economics graduate pursuing her PG in the same field along with Data Sciences. Disha enjoys the ever-demanding world of content and the flexibility that comes with it. She can be found listening to music or simply asleep when not working!


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