Two brothers have been detained by police in Maharashtra’s Palghar district for allegedly utilizing artificial intelligence tools to create obscene videos of women and posting them on social media. According to investigators, this was likely the first instance in the state when AI was used to produce offensive videos.
The suspects, who are aged 19 and 21, are the sons of a police officer stationed in Mumbai, according to senior inspector Kalyan Karpe of the Arnala maritime police station. The pair is accused of using artificial intelligence-based techniques to create pornographic videos with images of women and girls, he claimed.
According to senior inspector Sujit Gunjkar of the Mira-Bhayandar-Vasai-Virar police commissionerate’s cyber unit, this was the first instance of an AI-based cybercrime in the state.
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The two are suspected of assaulting two females who approached the accused on Monday because of the tapes. According to the police, an investigation is ongoing. The accused were detained on Tuesday in accordance with section 354 of the Indian Penal Code and the portions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO).
The rate of crimes perpetrated using the artificial intelligence technology is gradually on rise in India, just as it is in the other parts of the world. Recently, a man from Kerala was defrauded with ₹40,000 in a newly reported incident of a scam using artificial intelligence-based deepfaking.Â
A similar incident took place in Arizona. In April, reports surfaced about a mom from Arizona claiming that in a $1 million kidnapping scam, con artists cloned her daughter’s voice using AI. The mom, Jennifer DeStefano, received a call from an unknown number while her 15-year-old daughter Briana was safe on vacation skiing.Â