Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsFashion X AI Show in Hong Kong Features Fits Created by AiDA

Fashion X AI Show in Hong Kong Features Fits Created by AiDA

An AI fashion event, Fashion X AI, featured several designer-led AI fits created by an AI-based Interactive Design Assistant, or AiDA. With over 80 outfits and 14 designers, the event focused on creating outfits using software developed by Ph.D. students and experts from AiDLab, Hong Kong. 

AiDLab’s CEO, Calvin Wong, said the idea was to educate people and fashion designers about artificial intelligence as a “supporting tool.” With AiDA, designers can benefit from several technologies like image recognition, image generation, detection, and more. The software’s algorithm also generates blueprints for future reference and enables the designers to add their sense of taste to the outfits.

Wong added that AiDA could generate more than a dozen fashion blueprints within ten seconds, saving a lot of designing time.

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Cynthia Tse, a renowned merchandiser, said that she felt this is what the future of fashion looks like. She added that facial covering looked alien-like, yet intriguing. Another Hong Kong-based fashion designer, Mountain Yam, has been using AiDA for over six months and feels that it is very inspirational. 

Yam said that a designer’s relationship with AiDA is like a romantic one where the former gradually gets to know her [AiDA], and she [AiDA] gets to know how the designer thinks. He added, “In accordance with my lines, styles, and databases, the system will propose something for me that I may not have ever considered, but she (AiDA) thinks is suitable for me.”

The fashion maven AiDA was launched at the Fashion X AI show and is still a work in progress—the developers will continue working on it and making it more beneficial to the fashion industry.

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Disha Chopra
Disha Chopra
Disha Chopra is a content enthusiast! She is an Economics graduate pursuing her PG in the same field along with Data Sciences. Disha enjoys the ever-demanding world of content and the flexibility that comes with it. She can be found listening to music or simply asleep when not working!


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