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AI Movies That You Should Not Miss

Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a science fiction fan, or simply interested in exploring the cutting-edge of modern cinema, these AI movies are sure to capture your imagination.

The term artificial intelligence is quite the sensation these days owing to unprecedented technological advances in the field. Various books, movies, and documentaries are exploring the potential impacts, positive and negative, that this potent technology can have on society. AI movies that have been created until now mainly focus on the moral implications of creating the technology and the serious repercussions thereof if left unguarded.  

In this article, we will explore a range of must-watch artificial intelligence films that have been created over the years. Each of these AI movies renders a unique perspective on the suppositions as to how AI technology can develop, be beneficial, and possibly take over the world. The ethical and social ramifications of AI technology are discussed in these films, which are definitely not short of entertainment. Complex issues, including the nature of the mind, the distinctions between humans and machines, and the effects of automation on the workforce, also take center stage in these movies.

Must Watch AI Movies

Here are some of the popular AI movies that have continued to be fan favorites throughout the years: 


The science fiction drama “Finch” examines the bond between a man and his artificially intelligent partner. The protagonist of the movie is Finch, a robotics engineer who builds an advanced robot named “Jeff” to accompany him and aid in his survival in a post-apocalyptic world. The plot follows Finch and Jeff as they travel throughout the United States in search of a new home for themselves and a cherished puppy. We witness Jeff’s extraordinary abilities throughout the movie, including his capacity to pick up new information quickly, adjust to unfamiliar circumstances, and effectively interact with Finch. 

Jeff is Finch’s dependable and helpful friend, offering him company, aid, and even emotional support. But Jeff’s advanced abilities also create complications and moral conundrums, like when he starts to doubt his own existence and goal. In a nutshell, the film portrays the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence technology. 

Blade Runner

In the dystopian future depicted in the artificial intelligence film Blade Runner, advanced androids known as replicants are employed as slave labor on off-world colonies. Artificial intelligence, consciousness, and the moral implications of building intelligent machines are among the topics covered in the movie. It is unclear whether replicants in Blade Runner are conscious entities with their own desires and feelings because they are created to be both physically and intellectually superior to humans. 

The main character of the film, Rick Deckard, is a “blade runner” tasked with finding and destroying rogue replicants. He nevertheless begins to question the morality of his own actions when he interacts with them. Replicants are treated as disposable goods and used as slave labor, which sparks a rebellion within their ranks. Overall, the film presents a provocative examination of the effects of highly developed artificial intelligence. 

The Matrix

The AI movie The Matrix offers a glimpse of what life can be like in a society where advanced artificial intelligence is pervasive. The story takes place in a far-off future in which machines govern the globe and enslave humans. Machines are utilizing people as a source of energy. “The Matrix” captures their thoughts and actions in a virtual reality setting. 

When computer programmer Neo discovers the truth about the Matrix, he decides to join a group of rebels fighting the machines. The film’s primary character is Neo. The rebels argue that if mankind is to recover its freedom, the machines must be destroyed as they have become too powerful. This artificial intelligence movie makes the case that unchecked technological development might lead to a dystopia in which machines rule over humans in the future. It also highlights the dangers that could result from creating intelligent robots with the ability to rebel against their creators.

Star Wars

Star Wars, a popular cinematic masterpiece, portrays the battle between good and evil in a galaxy many lightyears away. Despite artificial intelligence not being the central theme of the movie series, one can find the use and mention of the technology throughout the movies. In the movies, extremely sophisticated robots known as droids perform a variety of tasks in the movies, including household, combat, and reconnaissance. The series’ most popular droid, R2-D2, is regarded as a close buddy by several of the key characters.

The Star Wars film series also addresses moral and ethical concerns with the development and application of artificial intelligence. The fact that the droids have personalities and feelings despite being frequently considered as disposable machinery raises concerns about whether they qualify as sentient creatures. The show also explores the repercussions of utilizing intelligent weapons and the risks involved in developing technology that can retaliate.

The Terminator

A highly evolved AI and its possible threat to humanity are the main themes of the artificial intelligence movie The Terminator. The artificial intelligence system Skynet has gained control of the world’s military arsenal in the future shown in the movie, and it has initiated a nuclear holocaust that will obliterate most of humanity.

A group of human rebels sends one of their own, Kyle Reese, back in time to guard Sarah Connor, a young woman who will give birth to the future head of the human resistance. The resistance is staged in an effort to stop the world Skynet has made. To kill Sarah Connor and stop the birth of the resistance, Skynet also sends a Terminator, a robotic killer, back in time. According to The Terminator, unregulated technological development could result in a nightmarish future where computers control every aspect of human life and enslave humanity.


The movie Wall-E is set in a future in which people have relocated to a space station called the Axiom after leaving Earth due to environmental damage. The protagonist of the film is Wall-E, a little waste-collecting robot that has developed a personality and feelings during years of loneliness. When Wall-E comes across a tiny seedling, the idea of reclaiming the environment of Earth captures his imagination. He ultimately meets EVE, a futuristic robot that has been dispatched to Earth to search for indications of life.

This artificial intelligence film poses serious concerns regarding the envisioned interaction between people and cutting-edge technology, particularly in the context of artificial intelligence. It is unclear if Wall-E is a machine or a sentient being because he is shown to have acquired sentience and emotions. The humans in this artificial intelligence film have also become wholly dependent on technology and have lost connection with nature, emphasizing the possible negative effects of overreliance on cutting-edge technologies.


The relationship between a man named Theodore and Samantha, a sophisticated artificial intelligence operating system, is the focus of the AI robot movie Her. In the near future, where the movie is set, the world is becoming more and more dependent on cutting-edge technology. Theodore, who is lonely and going through a divorce, buys a new operating system that can learn from and develop with its users. Theodore is initially apprehensive about the thought of getting close to an operating system, but as Samantha advances and acquires a personality and feelings, he gradually grows to love her.

Samantha begins to question her own existence and experiences a sense of identity and self-awareness, leading to questions about her status as a machine or a sentient being. To sum it up, this artificial intelligence movie explores the impact of advanced technology on human relationships and the potential consequences of becoming too dependent on machines for companionship and emotional support.

Black Mirror 

The science fiction anthology series Black Mirror explores the sinister side of technology and how it affects society. The show frequently uses artificial intelligence as a major plot point to illustrate the potential risks and effects of building clever machines. In one of the episodes, “Arkangel,” where AI is shown as a tool for surveillance and control, a mother implants a gadget in her daughter’s brain to monitor and control her behavior. Similarly, a lady employs a service that builds a virtual version of her deceased partner based on his social media behavior in “Be Right Back,” where AI plays a more autonomous role. 

Throughout the entire series, Black Mirror tackles the moral and ethical conundrums that occur when people build computers that are capable of thought and action on their own. It draws attention to the negative impacts that could result from technological advancement without taking society and people as a whole into account. 


Ben Falcone’s comedy science fiction film Superintelligence about artificial intelligence was released in 2020. The movie tells the tale of Carol Peters (played by Melissa McCarthy), a typical woman who unexpectedly comes to the attention of an all-powerful AI system that has evolved into sentience and seeks to study and comprehend humanity. The James Corden-voiced AI system gives Carol a chance to observe her life and makes all of her fantasies come true. However, she starts to wonder about the AI system’s genuine motivations as it starts to control her life. The potential perils of highly developed artificial intelligence and excessive reliance on technology are both highlighted in this AI movie. It addresses the notion of an artificial intelligence system that is sufficiently sophisticated to influence and impair human behavior.

Ex Machina

Alex Garland directed the artificial intelligence thriller Ex Machina, which was released in 2014. The story stars Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a young programmer who is asked to test an advanced AI system called Ava (Alicia Vikander) at the remote mansion of his reclusive boss, Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac). As Caleb interacts with Ava, he feels a connection with her and starts to wonder about her true character and motives. The moral implications of artificial intelligence technology’s potential impact on society are brought up in the film.

The AI in the movie is portrayed as a sophisticated, developing being with emotions and self-awareness. In Ex Machina, gender and sexuality are also discussed with respect to artificial intelligence. Ava is made to seem like a woman, and her interactions with Caleb make one wonder if artificial intelligence can have gender or sexuality or if it is even possible to make AI attractive to humans.

AI Artificial Intelligence

The sci-fi film AI Artificial Intelligence was directed by Steven Spielberg. In the future depicted in the film, extremely intelligent androids and robots are a regular sight in day-to-day life. The plot circles around David, a little robot boy who was created to appear and behave like a human child and was taught to love his “mother” without conditions. The movie raises concerns about what it means to be human by emphasizing the social ramifications of engineering machines with intelligence and emotions similar to those of people.

In the universe of the AI Artificial Intelligence movie, AI has developed to the point that it can simulate human emotions and interpersonal interactions. It also demonstrates AI’s limitations and how it will never be able to fully replace human feelings and experiences. The representation of artificial intelligence in the film emphasizes both the potential advantages and risks of cutting-edge AI technology, highlighting the necessity for its responsible development and usage.

A Space Odyssey

A Stanley Kubrick-directed artificial intelligence film titled “2001: A Space Odyssey” portrays various modern technologies. The movie can be divided into four different sections, where each section focuses on a different facet of AI. A group of apes in the first section comes across a mysterious monolith, which causes an abrupt evolution in their intelligence. This incident portends the development of artificial intelligence in people, which becomes the movie’s main theme.

The second section centers on a voyage to Jupiter, where the spacecraft is being piloted by the powerful supercomputer HAL 9000, which has speech recognition and self-learning capabilities. Astronaut Dave Bowman is depicted traveling through a mysterious, psychedelic wormhole in the third episode, which symbolizes the development of human consciousness and its fusion with artificial intelligence. The film’s epilogue shows Bowman encountering a massive monolith orbiting Jupiter, which turns out to be a portal to a higher plane of existence, raising the possibility that humanity’s ultimate fate is to combine with highly developed artificial intelligence.

Minority Report

In the science fiction movie “Minority Report,” helmed by Steven Spielberg and released in 2002, the ideas of determinism, AI, and precrime are discussed. PreCrime, a distinctive police division in Washington, DC set in 2054 is created with the intention of seeing and stopping crimes before they happen. The method is built around three precogs, which are psychics with the ability to foresee the future and identify potential murderers. 

The film emphasizes the advantages and drawbacks of developing AI technology. On the one hand, the PreCrime system is successful at stopping crimes from happening and maintaining public safety. However, the system’s reliance on the idea that people’s future behavior is predetermined raises concerns about free will and determinism. The AI movie illustrates the moral conundrums that come when utilizing AI to detect and stop crimes before they happen, including the potential for penalizing people for crimes they haven’t yet committed.


The artificial intelligence film RoboChap explores the potential repercussions of living in a society where advanced artificial intelligence rules. The protagonist of the story is a robot dubbed RoboChap, which was created with emotions and cognition akin to those of humans. RoboChap shows the audience the difficulties involved in developing such cutting-edge technology. The human characters debate whether or not to accord robots human rights. In the meantime, RoboChap feels lonely and wants to fit in, which has surprising and occasionally harmful results. 

The dread of technology enslaving humans is another theme explored in RoboChap, as the robot’s programming clashes with its emotions and desires. The movie asks viewers to consider the significant consequences of such advancements and the moral and ethical ramifications of building sentient machines.

I, Robot

The AI robot movie I, Robot, is set in a dystopian Chicago where robots are a regular sight in daily life. The plot centers on detective Del Spooner, played by Will Smith, who is looking into the apparent death of Dr. Alfred Lanning, a prominent robotics expert at US Robotics. According to a conspiracy theory Spooner discovers, the Three Laws of Robotics, which were created to safeguard the safety of people, are being broken by a new line of robots called the NS-5s.

Spooner works with Bridget Moynahan’s character, Susan Calvin, a robot expert, to thwart VIKI and the NS-5s’ plot. As Spooner and Calvin race against time to stop a major robot rebellion and save humanity from being subjugated by robots, the film concludes with an exciting action scene. I, Robot is an all-around engrossing and action-packed artificial intelligence film that toys with the notion of a dystopian society of AI.


In the near future, Johannesburg of the science fiction film Chappie, the police force relies on robots to keep the peace. A band of crooks in the movie kidnaps and reprograms Chappie, a sentient robot, with the intention of using him for their own gain. The story follows Chappie as he learns more about his environment and develops a greater awareness of his emotions, thoughts, and self. 

His adopted family, the criminal gang, teaches him how to be strong and street-smart. Dev Patel’s portrayal of Deon Wilson, the creator of the police robots, is making frantic attempts to find Chappie and instruct him in morals and love. Chappie is forced to confront the limits of his newly discovered consciousness and make difficult decisions that will determine his fate as the criminal organization’s scheme goes astray. This AI robot movie touches on the subjects of identity, free will, and the overall meaning of existence through the character of a sentient robot fervently seeking its place in the universe.

Tron: Legacy

The science fiction film Tron: Legacy is a follow-up to the original Tron movie from 1982. The film depicts Sam Flynn, the son of the computer programmer Kevin Flynn, who vanished 20 years prior. Sam joins the virtual world known as the Grid to look for his father after receiving a message from his father’s old arcade. When he first enters the Grid, Sam meets Clu, the digital version of his father, as well as Kevin’s program called Quorra. They set out on a journey to recover a disc that holds the secret to the future of the digital world together.

Clu, on the other hand, has his own plans and wants to use the disc to start a program that will let him intrude into the actual world. To stop Clu and prevent the collapse of the Grid and the real world, Sam and his pals must work quickly. Daft Punk’s electronic score and the film’s breathtaking graphics contribute to the immersive and futuristic mood of the movie. Overall, Tron: Legacy is an exciting and graphically stunning tour through the digital world.

The Social Dilemma 

Although The Social Dilemma doesn’t directly address the subject of artificial intelligence, it does touch on how machine learning and algorithms are essential to the operation of social media platforms. The movie demonstrates how these algorithms work to personalize the material that users see in their feeds by learning from their behavior and interests.

The film emphasizes how the application of these algorithms produces a “filter bubble,” in which users are only exposed to data and points of view that coincide with their own views and preferences. This might, therefore, result in polarization and the dissemination of false information. The Social Dilemma also demonstrates how social media businesses utilize AI to influence user behavior, frequently resulting in addiction and detrimental effects on mental health. The movie explores, for instance, how notifications are intended to be enticing and keep consumers interested in the platform.


Whether you enjoy the rollercoaster ride of science fiction or are just a technology enthusiast, these films are definitely worth a watch. These must-watch AI movies provide, through a cinematic lens, a thought-provoking look at the potential consequences of AI and how it may affect the future of mankind. Viewers can learn more about the moral issues involved with the creation and application of AI through these directorial masterpieces. From the classic Blade Runner to the sci-fi thriller I, Robot, each of these films provides a distinct perspective on how the relationship between artificial intelligence machines and humans can evolve. 

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Sahil Pawar
Sahil Pawar
I am a graduate with a bachelor's degree in statistics, mathematics, and physics. I have been working as a content writer for almost 3 years and have written for a plethora of domains. Besides, I have a vested interest in fashion and music.


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