OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Testifies at Senate Hearing

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Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, testified before a US Senate committee on Tuesday about the possibilities and pitfalls of the new technology.

Image source: The New York Times

Altman said a new agency should be formed to license AI companies and several regulations must be imposed for safer usage.

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Altman suggested that the United States should take into account enacting licensing and testing standards for the creation of AI models as a standard procedure.

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Altman cited models' capacity to influence or convince a person's opinions as a crucial threshold when asked to describe which categories of AI should be subject to licensing.

Image source: Canva

He also admitted the impact that AI could have on the economy, including the likelihood that AI technology could replace some jobs, leading to layoffs in certain fields.

Image source: Canva

Altman told legislators he was worried about the potential impact on democracy, and how AI could be used to send targeted misinformation during elections.

Image source: Canva

"We need to maximize the good over the bad. Congress has a choice now. We had the same choice when we faced social media. We failed to seize that moment," he warned.

Image source: Canva

He also said firms like OpenAI should be independently audited.

Image source: Canva



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