CVPR 2023 announces winners of the Best Paper Awards

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CVPR 2023 is hosted by the IEEE Computer Society (CS) and the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF). CVPR is the leading conference for new research in CV, AI, ML, AR/VR and DL.

Image source: IEEE, CVF

From a pool of over 9,000 paper submissions, the CVPR 2023 Awards Committee selected 12 exceptional papers as this year's Best Paper winners.

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Best Papers

– Visual Programming: Compositional visual reasoning without training – Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving – DynIBaR: Neural Dynamic Image-Based Rendering

Image source: Canva

Best Student Papers

– 3D Registration with Maximal Cliques – DreamBooth: Fine Tuning Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Subject-Driven Generation

Image source: Canva

In addition to the Best Paper Awards, IEEE CS announced TCPAMI Awards at the conference.

Image source: IEEE

– Longuet-Higgins Prize Best Paper: Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark – Young Researcher Award: Christoph Feichtenhofer and Judy Hoffman – Thomas Huang Memorial Prize: Alyosha Efros

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