ChatGPT Needs 500ml Water to Answer 20-50 Questions, Says Research

Image source: Analytics Drift

According to a recent study, the water use of data centers is extremely large to support the ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot, which is used by billions of people globally.

Image source: Canva

According to research, a conversation with an AI chatbot in a single system may consume a "500ml bottle of water" for 20 to 50 questions.

Image source: Analytics Drift

In order to conduct the research, a new framework was developed to determine how much freshwater that is pure is used for cooling servers that run AI models as well as for generating electricity to power data center servers.

Image source: Research gate

Scientists gave an example to illustrate their point by stating that just for the GPT-3 training, Microsoft is estimated to have used 700,000 liters (185,000 gallons) of water.

Image source: Canva

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