Government Launches Free Online Course on AI with IIT Madras and NCVET

Image source: Guvi

Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship, unveiled AI for India 2.0. This new programme is a free online training course with a strong AI component.

Image source: PIB

The programme is accredited by the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) and IIT Madras and was created jointly by Skill India and GUVI.

Image source: Analytics Drift

Notably learners can access the new course in nine different Indian languages. To join up for the free course, people need only visit GUVI's official website.

Image source: Stock

Learners will be questioned on their understanding of Java, coding, cyber security, and other topics when they sign for the same. However, individuals who are interested in learning might enroll in this course to have a deeper understanding of AI programming

Image source: Canva

Leading academic institutions and business leaders will provide their experience as a part of the programme as a result of the partnership between Skill India and GUVI.

Image source: Canva



Produced by: Sahil Pawar Designed by: Prathamesh

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