Data Science

What is

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Produced By: Analytics Drift Designed By: Prathamesh

Defining Data Science

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that combines expertise from various domains, such as statistics, computer science, mathematics, and domain-specific knowledge, to extract valuable insights and knowledge from data.

Defining Data Science

It's the art of turning raw data into meaningful information and using it to solve complex problems and make informed decisions.

The Pillars of Data Science

1. Data Collection

The first step in any data science project is collecting data. This can involve data sources such as surveys, sensors, databases, or even social media. The quality and quantity of data collected greatly influence the outcomes.

2. Data Cleaning and Preparation

Raw data is often messy and unstructured. Data scientists spend a significant amount of time cleaning and organizing data, ensuring it's ready for analysis.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

EDA involves visualizing and understanding the data. It's about uncovering patterns, relationships, and anomalies that can inform subsequent analysis.

4. Data Visualization

Effective data visualization is key to presenting insights in a clear and understandable manner. It helps stakeholders grasp the significance of the data.

5. Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms are employed to build predictive models. These models can make predictions, classify data, or cluster similar data points.

6. Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of selecting and transforming data attributes or features to improve the performance of machine learning models. It's a crucial step in predictive analytics.

7. Model Evaluation and Validation

Data scientists must assess the accuracy and reliability of their models. Cross-validation and testing against new data are common practices.

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