Naval Launches Generative AI-based App Airchat that Resembles TikTok and Clubhouse

Image source: Analytics Drift

New AI-based application called Airchat is a mix of different social media apps, including TikTok and Clubhouse.

Image source: Analytics Drift

The software allows users to interact with one another through Clubhouse podcasts or videos. For many topics, the app features monitored discussion rooms.

Image source: Canva

There are also text-based rooms that use AI to suggest content to the users of the app.

Image source: Airchat

An AI-generated transcript is included with each conversation on Airchat, whether it be audio or video. Transcript translations are now available on the app.

Image source: Airchat

For their discussions, users can create custom image backdrops. The picture will coincide with the chat's transcript.

Image source: Adweek

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Produced by: Sahil Pawar Designed by: Prathamesh