Top Interview Questions and Answers

Mastering Python:

Image Credit: Analytics Drift

Question 1

Explain Python's GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).


The Global Interpreter Lock in Python is a mechanism to synchronize the execution of threads. It allows only one thread to execute in the interpreter at a time, preventing multiple threads from executing Python bytecodes simultaneously.

Question 2

Differentiate between lists and tuples in Python.


Lists are mutable, meaning you can modify their elements after creation. Tuples, on the other hand, are immutable, and once defined, their elements cannot be changed. Lists are defined using square brackets, while tuples use parentheses.

Question 3

What is the purpose of Python's 'pass' statement?


The 'pass' statement in Python is a no-operation statement. It serves as a placeholder in situations where syntactically some code is required, but no action is desired or needed.

Question 4

Explain the concept of decorators in Python.


Decorators are a powerful and flexible way to modify or extend the behavior of functions or methods in Python. They are applied using the '@' symbol and are often used for aspects like logging, timing, or authentication.

Question 5

How does Python handle memory management?


Python uses a built-in garbage collector to manage memory. Objects that are no longer referenced are automatically identified and removed to free up memory. Developers do not need to explicitly allocate or deallocate memory.

Question 6

What is the purpose of the 'self' parameter in Python?


In Python, 'self' is a convention for the first parameter of a class method. It refers to the instance of the class and is used to access variables and methods associated with that instance.

Question 7

Differentiate between 'deep copy' and 'shallow copy' in Python.


A shallow copy creates a new object, but does not create new objects for the elements within it. A deep copy, on the other hand, creates a new object and recursively adds copies of objects found in the original.

Question 8

Explain the use of the 'with' statement in Python.


The 'with' statement is used to simplify resource management, such as file handling. It ensures that necessary clean-up code is executed, even if an error occurs, by using the context management protocol.

Question 9

How does Python support functional programming?


Python supports functional programming through features like first-class functions, higher-order functions, and support for anonymous functions using lambda expressions.

Question 10

What is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python and how does it impact multi-threading?


The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python is a mechanism that allows only one thread to execute in the interpreter at a time. This impacts multi-threading by preventing multiple threads from executing Python bytecodes simultaneously, making it challenging to achieve parallelism in certain scenarios.



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