Life2vec: AI Death Calculator. Check Your Fate!

Image source: Analytics Drift

An AI tool developed by researchers in Denmark and the U.S., predicting lifespan with 78% accuracy by analyzing personal details and life events.

life2vec: An Overview

Image source: Life2vec

Utilizes a blend of details like income, profession, and health history, analyzing human lives as sequences of events, similar to words in sentences.

How It Works

Image source: Canva

The model is trained on Danish data of 6 million real people. The dataset used is from 2006 to 2016.

Training of the Model

Image source: Canva

Based on data, it calculated who died in 2020 correctly, with about 78% accuracy.

Calculated Who Would Die in 2020

Image source: Canva

Able to predict various life outcomes, not just limited to life expectancy. However, the tool emphasizes responsible use and is not intended for real prediction; it is just an estimate.

Predictive Power and Limitations

Image source: Canva

According to the website, this tool is a valuable resource for increasing your awareness of health choices and encouraging healthier lifestyle adjustments.

The intent

Image source: Canva

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Produced by: Analytics Drift Designed by: Prathamesh