Imran Khan uses AI-generated voice from Prison to address a virtual rally

Image source: Analytics Drift

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, currently jailed, used an AI-generated audio clip to deliver a speech during a virtual rally, making a pioneering event in South Asia.

Image source: Youtube

han spoke for four minutes on Sunday, incorporating the AI-generated audio over a video featuring his computer-generated image.

Image source: Canva

The AI-generated voice mimicking Khan stated, “Our party is not allowed to hold public rallies. Our people are being kidnapped, and their families are being harassed."

Image source: Youtube

The AI-generated further added that the speech was taken from notes written by Imran Khan in Prison.

Image source: Canva

“History will remember your sacrifices,” the AI voice added, referencing the crackdown on PTI, which led to the arrest and resignation of numerous party leaders.

Image source: Dailynews

The PTI claimed that its virtual rally got more than five million views across social media platforms despite reported internet disruptions in different regions of the country.

Image source: Canva

The party arranged this online event to sidestep a government prohibition on public rallies.

Image source: Canva

It is quite fascinating to see that AI is being widely used as a political weapon to justify narratives.

Image source: Canva

In this case, the intangible nature of AI was used efficiently for a political speech to mitigate/compensate for the absence of a tangible presence of a leader.

Image source: Canva

With AI growing rapidly, it is to be seen how the coming decade will harness the capabilities of AI for good and for bad.

Image source: Canva

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Produced by: Boudhayan Ghosh Designed by: Prathamesh