IBM Report says 40% of Workers Will Need New Skills Training Due to AI

Image source: Analytics Drift

According to a recent estimation report from IBM, almost 40% of workers or 1.4 billion of the 3.4 billion people in the global labor force will need to reskill over the next three years as a result of automation and artificial intelligence (AI).

Image source: Canva

About 87% of executives, according to tech giant IBM, believe that generative AI would improve job functions rather than replace them.

Image source: Canva

That percentage is closer to three-quarters in the areas of marketing (73%) and customer service (77%) and exceeds 90% in the areas of finance (93%), risk and compliance (93%), and procurement (97%) respectively.

Image source: Canva

Moreover, three out of four executives claimed that entry-level positions are already being impacted, whereas only 22% agreed about the same for those in executive or senior management roles.

Image source: Canva

The potential impacts of generative AI on their current staff have only been considered by 28% of CEOs.

Image source: Canva

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