HC Directs to Halt Payment for Safe Kerala AI Traffic Camera Project Due to Alleged Corruption


Image source: Analytics Drift

On Tuesday, the Kerala High Court ordered the State government to stop paying installments for the Safe Kerala Project, which oversaw installation of artificial intelligence (AI) cameras throughout the State in an effort to lower traffic accidents.

Image source: India Legal

The request for a court-monitored investigation into the Safe Kerala Project was made in a PIL) petition filed by a fellow Congress leader and member of the Legislative Assembly, and the opposition leader in the Kerala assembly.

Image source: India Express

Senior Advocate George Poonthottam informed the Court that the petitioners are only against the alleged corruption in the State government's decision-making process and not the project as a whole.

Image source: Canva

The PIL petition claimed that nepotism, favoritism, and corruption, including violation of privacy, arose from the awarding of tenders for the installation of AI cameras.

Image source: Canva

It was argued that the State government had violated both the right to privacy and the terms of the Motor Vehicle Act by entrusting private companies with public information.

Image source: Canva

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