Using Generative AI tools like ChatGPT

Harvard's Guidelines for

Image Credit: Analytics Drift

Protect Confidential Data

Students must not enter confidential data, including non-public research data, into publicly-available generative AI tools.

Be Responsible

They must handle AI-generated content responsibly. AI-generated content can be inaccurate, misleading, or copyrighted. Review AI-generated content before publication.

Prioritize Integrity

They should adhere to academic integrity policies. Review your school's policies on the use of generative AI in classes and on academic work.

Beware of Phishing

Be on constant alert for AI-enabled phishing. Generative AI has made it easier for malicious actors to create sophisticated scams. Follow security best practices and report suspicious messages.


Connect with Harvard University Information Technology (HUIT) before procuring generative AI tools, as it can ensure that tools procured on behalf of Harvard have the appropriate privacy and security protections.

Vendor Gen AI tools

According to the Harvard guidelines, vendor generative AI tools must be assessed for risk by Harvard's Information Security and Data Privacy office prior to use.

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Produced by: Sahil Pawar Designed by: Prathamesh